Friday, May 15, 2009

Amazing Things To Do With Strawberries

With Strawberry Festivals busting out all over the country, we compiled a quick list of Amazing Things To Do With Strawberries this weekend...

1) Date night! You, a date, fresh strawberries, warm chocolate, soft music -- and hijinks ensue.

2) Drizzle fresh strawberries with balsamic vinaigrette (a la mode is good here too).

3) Throw them in a blender and puree as a sauce for cake or ice cream -- add a little sugar if you want.

4) Sugar it up. Dip fresh strawberries in a bowl of sugar and eat.

5) Feel good. Eight medium strawberries pack 140% of the RDA for vitamin C, plus serve up folic acid, fiber and potassium.

6) Strawberry-infused vodka. Washed and sliced strawberries dropped into an airtight, sealed container with vodka (out of direct sunlight) + 2 to 5 days = cocktail time.

7) Slice over cereal or oatmeal.

8) Throw in a bowl with cream.

9) Use sliced strawberries in a salad along with your go-to ingredients.

10) Freeze! Put whole, clean berries on a cookie sheet with stems and caps removed, and place on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Freeze for about 24 hours and then remove, placing in freezer bags or freezer-safe airtight containers. Return to the freezer until you are ready for them.

11) Strawberry jam. Anyone have a really good recipe from their grandma that they want to upload and share?

12) Facials! Ten strawberries mixed to a pulp with 3 - 4 tablespoons of honey. Apply to your face (if you aren't allergic to strawberries), relax, think good thoughts and then rinse.

13) Mix into your cream cheese cake or cupcake frosting for a delicious, fruity-fresh taste.

What's missing? Let us know below...

Monday, May 4, 2009

5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

How many times have you wished that you could swallow a pill and wake up in the morning thinner? It would be really nice if such a pill existed, but it doesn't. So, with that in mind, what can we do for quick, easy and sure weight loss?

1. Drink 64-plus ounces of water each and every day.

2. Get cardio exercise EVERY day; gradually building to the point where you get a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

3. Add fresh raw fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

4. Limit the "bulky" carbs: white flour, potatoes, cereal, etc.

5. Identify the biggest obstacle you consistently face that stymies your weight loss and overcome it, rid yourself of it and banish it from your life forever!

Sound too hard? Seem impossible?

It isn't. The above mentioned 5 tips are really nothing more than a recipe for healthy living. You aren't food combining impaired. You aren't willpower deficient. Your weight is, in most cases, a direct result of what you are consuming and how much you aren't moving.