With that in mind, what follows is a list of healthy snacks that are all 100 calories or less and require little or no preparation.
Peanut Butter Celery Stalk -- One stalk of celery dabbed with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter (the kind without added hydrogenated oils) equals about 100 calories of protein-rich deliciousness.
Reduced-Fat Triscuits -- Six of these crunchy whole-grain crackers tote up to under 100 calories. The fiber content will help fill your stomach.
Dry-Roasted Pumpkin Seeds -- A quarter cup of this mineral-rich snack comes out to about 75 calories
Chocolate Treat -- For a quick and easy chocolate fix, take about six tablespoons of any brand of light whipped cream or light whipped cream substitute, and fold in a teaspoon of a powdered cocoa mix. Blend it thoroughly. Only about 50 calories.
Strawberry Newtons -- Nabisco sells a two-cookie snack pack of these. Each cookie is 100 calories. Eat one and give the other to a friend.
Cheese Stick with Marinara Sauce -- Put a low-fat mozzarella cheese stick into a bowl along with a quarter cup of marinara sauce. Heat briefly in the microwave (be careful not to overheat or you'll end up with soup). About 100 calories.
Half-Cup of Sherbet or Sorbet -- A good ice cream substitute, and under 100 calories.
Root Beer Float -- Take eight ounces of diet root beer. Add a scoop of non-fat vanilla frozen yogurt. Around 90 calories.
Watermelon -- Two cups of watermelon cubes are fairly filling and equal only about 85 calories.
Corn on the Cob -- One medium-sized ear with a dash of seasoning will set you back only 80 calories.
Puffed Wheat Cereal -- Grab two-thirds of a cup of puffed wheat. Add a half cup of skim milk and a teaspoon of sugar or sugar substitute. About 100 calories.
Blueberries -- They're delicious fresh from a farmer's market. A cup equals only 90 calories.
Vegetarian Baked Beans -- Doesn't taste much different from the kind with pork in it. One third cup is only about 75 calories.
Teddy Grahams Crackers -- The chocolate ones are particularly yummy. Fifteen clock in at 82 calories.
Plums -- Three on the small side add up to around 90 calories.
Bagel Bites -- Found in the freezer section of your grocery store. Two of these little pizza treats equal 100 calories.
Turkey Sandwich -- Make a half-sandwich using a slice of whole-wheat bread and about two ounces of low-fat turkey breast. Add mustard and/or lettuce or a thin slice of tomato if you like. You're looking at about 100 calories.
Seven-Ounce Bottle of Dannon Lite 'n' Fit Carb Control Smoothie -- Good source of protein and calcium. Only 70 calories.
Campbell's Soup-at-Hand -- A convenient microwavable soup that you sip right from the container. The chicken noodle flavor is only 80 calories.
Red or White Wine or Champagne -- Five ounces of the bubbly stuff is under 100 calories.
Fruit and Whipped Cream -- Take a half cup of your favorite kind of berries -- raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, etc. -- and place them in a bowl. Top with two tablespoons of a low-fat whipped cream or whipped cream substitute. About 100 calories.
Craisins -- Dried cranberries make a nice change of pace from raisins. Four tablespoons come to around 90 calories.
Grapes -- Ever try them frozen? A great summertime treat. Thirty are under 100 calories.
Bagel -- A half a bagel with a very light sprinkling of low-fat butter substitute will be around 100 calories.
Breadsticks -- The kind with sesame seeds -- two of 'em add up to about 85 calories.
By eDiet.com
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