Monday, August 25, 2008

4 Tips for Safe Grilling

Don't Let Bacteria Spoil Your Barbecue.

Approximately one out of every four people gets food poisoning each year. The risk can go up as the mercury climbs. Keep your barbecue safe.
Here's how:

1 - C L EA N
Clean everything, starting with your hands. Experts say half of all cases of food poisoning could be avoided by washing hands more often. Wash before you start cooking and between steps in food prep. It's one of the best ways to keep bacteria out!
Separate uncooked foods from each other and from cooked foods. Different foods can carry different bacteria. Divide and conquer! ~ Always place cooked meat on a clean plate, not on one that previously held raw meat. ~ Wash utensils and surfaces between uses. ~ Use paper towels, not sponges, to wipe up meat drippings.
3 - COOK
Make sure grilled meats reach the correct temperature before you serve them. Use a meat thermometer to check doneness.

Food Internal Temperature
Beef - steaks & kabobs 145° - 160° (medium-rare, medium)
Burgers - ground beef 160°
turkey or chicken 170°
Chicken Breasts - 170°
boneless or bone-in
Hot Dogs 165°

Bratwurst (uncooked) 160°

Pork 160°

Keep cold foods cold. Ice packs and coolers work well. If perishable foods have beeen handled safely, they can be out at room temmperature up to 2 hours before needing to be discarded. Cut that time in half, if the temperature is above 85°.

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