Monday, August 18, 2008

Your Basic Kitchen Shelf - PART I

"Basic Kitchen Shelf" for young people starting out on their own with a shoestring budget, senior citizens living on a limited budget, people with little food storage space and families with a tight food budget.

Below is a list of basic items to be kept on hand. Once you have established your basic shelf, you will be able to make many delicious, easy meals and never have the problem "what is in the house for dinner?"

Root vegetables such as potatoes, onions and carrots are Basic Shelf ingredients which keep better in the refrigerator.

Margarine should be refrigerated.

All other ingredients should be stored in tightly sealed jars or plastic containers in a cool, clean, dry place.

Points To Keep In Mind When Planning.

1. You don't have to buy everything at once.

2. Buy only the amounts you know you have space to store.

3. Keep your Basic Shelf well stocked so you don't run out of important ingredients.

4. Don't buy foods you know you won't use.

5. Be open. Try new foods like lentils and kidney beans.

6. Store your Basic Shelf ingredients in tightly sealed containers to keep out insects and other pests.

7. Coffee cans can be used to store cereals, rice and flour. Plastic containers from margarine and ice cream are also good for storing these foods.

8. Food can be stored in other rooms if you don't have enough room in the kitchen. You can keep a box of Basic Shelf ingredients in a closet or under a bed.

Grain Products
  1. Rice - white, brown
  2. Pasta - elbow macaroni, spaghetti. lasagna, egg noodles
  3. Bread Crumbs

Vegetables & Fruit
  1. Onions, Carrots, Potatoes
  2. Canned Vegetables - corn, tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, peas, etc.
  3. Canned Vegetable Soups - Tomato, Mushroom, Etc.
  4. Tomato Paste
  5. Canned Fruit - Peaches, Pineapple, Fruit Cocktail, etc.

Meat Alternatives ...... coming soon with PART - II

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